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2021-04-20 00:04:56



  安全磋商委员会(Security Consultative Committee)




  美国和日本一致公认,中国的行为不符合现有的国际秩序,给联盟和国际社会带来了政治、经济、军事和技术方面的挑战。部长们承诺反对对该地区其他国家的胁迫和破坏稳定的行为,这破坏了以规则为基础的国际体系。双方重申支持不受阻碍的合法贸易和尊重国际法,包括航行和飞越自由以及其他合法使用海洋的权利。部长们还对该地区最近的破坏性事态发展比如《中国海警法》(China Coast Guard law)表示严重关切。此外,双方还讨论了美国根据包括尖阁诸岛(译者注:中国的钓鱼岛)在内的《安全条约》(security treaty)第5条对日本防卫的坚定承诺。美国和日本仍然反对任何旨在改变现状或破坏日本对这些岛屿管理的单方面行动。部长们强调了台海和平与稳定的重要性。双方重申反对中国在南海的非法海事主张和活动,并回顾根据1982年《海洋法公约》(Law of the Sea Convention)成立的菲中仲裁庭2016年7月的裁决是终局的,对双方具有法律约束力。部长们对香港和新疆维吾尔自治区的人权状况表示严重关切。




  部长们承认在防务部门进行全球态势评估时密切协调的重要性。双方欢迎部队在调整工作方面所取得的进展,并重申致力于执行现有安排,以保持战备状态和可持续存在,同时减轻对当地社区的影响。双方再次确认,在施瓦布-边野古琦基地(Camp Schwab-Henokosaki)地区和附近海域建设普天间替换设施(Futenma Replacement Facility)的计划是避免继续使用普天间机场(Marine Corps Air Station Futenma)的唯一解决方案,并承诺尽快完成建设。关于东道国的支持,部长们同意对目前的《特别措施协定》(Special Measures Agreement)进行一年的延长修正,指示谈判代表努力达成一项新的互利多年期协定。





  The following statement was released by the Security Consultative Committee.

  Begin Text:

  Secretary of State Blinken, Secretary of Defense Austin, Minister for Foreign Affairs Motegi, and Minister of Defense Kishi held the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee in Tokyo, Japan on March 16, 2021. They reaffirmed that the U.S.-Japan Alliance remains the corner stone of peace, security, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. Japan resolved to enhance its capabilities to bolster national defense and further strengthen the Alliance. The United States underscored its unwavering commitment to the defense of Japan through the full range of its capabilities,including nuclear. Amid growing geopolitical competition and challenges such as COVID-19, climate change, and revitalizing democracy, the United States and Japan renewed their commitment to promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific and a rules-based international order.

  The United States and Japan acknowledged that China’s behavior, where inconsistent with the existing international order, presents political, economic, military,and technological challenges to the Alliance and to the international community. The Ministers committed to opposing coercion and destabilizing behavior toward others in the region, which undermines the rules-based international system.They reaffirmed their support for unimpeded lawful commerce and respect for international law, including freedom of navigation and overflight and other lawful uses of the sea. The Ministers also expressed serious concerns about recent disruptive developments in the region, such as the China Coast Guard law. Further, they discussed the United States’unwavering commitment to the defense of Japan under Article V of our security treaty, which includes the Senkaku Islands.

  The United States and Japan remain opposed to any unilateral action that seeks to change the status quo or to undermine Japan’s administration of these islands. The Ministers underscored the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. They reiterated their objections to China’s unlawful maritime claims and activities in the South China Sea and recalled that the July 2016 award of the Philippines-China arbitral tribunal, constituted under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, is final and legally binding on the parties. The Ministers shared serious concerns regarding the human rights situation in Hong Kong and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

  Recognizing that North Korea’s arsenal poses a threat to international peace and stability,the Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to the complete denuclearization of North Korea and urged Pyongyang to abide by its obligations under UN Security Council resolutions. The Ministers also confirmed the necessity of immediate resolution of the abductions issue. Trilateral cooperation among the United States, Japan, and the Republic of Korea is critical for our shared security, peace, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

  The United States and Japan reaffirmed that the strength of the Alliance comes from our shared values and is amplified by our network of close partnerships with like-minded democracies.The? March 12?Quad Summit demonstrated to the world our shared vision of a free, open, and inclusive region anchored by universal values and unconstrained by coercive power. The Ministers pledged to work with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), affirming their strong support for its centrality and unity, as well as for the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.

  Recognizing the increasingly serious regional security environment, the Ministers recommitted to enhancing close coordination to align security policy, deepen defense cooperation across all domains, and bolster extended deterrence by consulting on Alliance roles, missions, and capabilities.They highlighted the importance of domains such as space and cyber, as well as further strengthening information security. In addition, they reiterated that realistic bilateral and multilateral exercises and training are necessary to maintain the Alliance’s operational readiness and deterrent posture, as well as to meet future challenges.

  The Ministers acknowledged the importance of close coordination as the Department of Defense conducts its Global Posture Review. They welcomed progress on force realignment efforts and reaffirmed their commitment to implementing the current arrangements in ways that maintain operational readiness and asustainable presence, while mitigating the impact on local communities. They reconfirmed that the plan to construct the Futenma Replacement Facility at the Camp Schwab-Henokosaki area and in adjacent waters is the only solution that avoids the continued use of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma,and committed to completing construction as soon as possible. Regarding Host Nation Support, having agreed to a one-year extension amendment to the current Special Measures Agreement, the Ministers instructed their negotiators to work toward a new mutually beneficial multi-year agreement.

  In remembrance of the thousands of lives lost to the Great East Japan Earthquake and its aftermath in March 2011, the Ministers underscored the cooperative spirit of the Alliance and reaffirmed their commitment to working alongside one another to maintain peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

  In recognition of the depth and breadth of the U.S.-Japan Alliance, and the need to increase momentum on numerous shared policy priorities, the Ministers called for another Security Consultative Committee meeting later in the year.

  End text.

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